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ITI 502 - Web Application Development: Java Spring Boot

Registration Option:Open Enrollment

Total Course Hours:36

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Learn how to develop complete web applications using Java, HTML and the Spring Framework. The course takes you from creating a simple Hello World" webpage to cloud deployment of your independently developed web applications, and gives you experience with several of the tools and concepts of full-stack development along the way. During this hands-on, learn-by-coding course, you will code and debug more than 20 web application and each student will have the opportunity to independently develop two complete web services: an online messaging app like Twitter and an online “to-do-list" application. In this course you will use: Spring Boot, MVC, Java Enterprise Edition (J2EE), HTML/CSS, Twitter Bootstrap, Spring Security, JPA, Hibernate, XML, Maven, Expression Language, JSP, JDBC, CDNs, Cloudinary, Heroku, AWS and more.


Java Programming - Introduction or equivalent knowledge of an object-oriented language such as Java, C++, C# or Python. Knowledge of HTML is helpful but experience developing web applications is not required. Required course materials are provided at no cost.


  1. Develop complete web applications
  2. Be able to code and debug more than 20 web applications.
  3. Develop two complete web services similar to online messaging app Twitter.
  4. Be able to utilize Spring Boot, MVC, J2EE and many more apps to create your applications.