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Withdrawal Due to Activation, Enlistment, and Deployment

世界杯摩洛哥vs克罗地亚欧赔蒙哥马利学院为任何通过入伍、激活或部署被要求参加现役的学生提供灵活的退出和学费退还政策。Please review the general policy and procedures regardinginvoluntary withdrawal.

Enrolled credit students who must withdraw because of being called to active military duty or being transferred because of related troop movements are provided a 100 percent refund of tuition and fees.

Your withdrawal may take place on or after the semester within which the effective date of withdrawal falls. However, it is highly recommended that you notify the Office of Records and Registration prior to departure to ensure that your student record and account are in good standing.

A signed, written withdrawal request must be substantiated with copies of military orders signed by the individual's commanding officer or another appropriate official to show proof of date of activation, enlistment, or deployment.

All questions regarding withdrawal due to military reasons should be directed to your Campus Registrar. If it is late in the semester and you're interested in taking an Incomplete to finish your courses, consult your instructor.