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India Initiative

Welcome message from Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan.

The Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs at the U.S. Department of State awarded Montgomery College a $195,000 grant to coordinate a national community college symposium in Delhi, develop a student and faculty exchange program, and create a program to promote faculty development. The U.S. India Educational Foundation (USIEF) Fulbright Commission will help with the grant implementation.

Project Highlights

Under the grant terms (the grant will cover 100 percent of the College’s expenses), Montgomery College is responsible for:

  • Coordinating a national community college symposium in New Delhi in March 2011;
  • Developing a faculty and student exchange program with three partner institutions in India: OP Jindal Institute of Technology and Skills, Guru Gobind Government Polytechnic, The Industrial Training Institute; and
  • Creating a program to promote faculty development.

Secretary Clinton and Secretary Duncan emphasize the importance of collaboration between the United States and India to develop an educated workforce with marketable skills. These two democracies will continue to thrive when education, government, industry, and nonprofit leaders join together to dialogue about today's global economy.

March 2011 National Symposium

March 11-13: Travel to India


March 16-17: Travel to Kurukshetra and visit with faculty and staff from the Guru Gobind Singh Government Polytechnic and Industrial Training Institute

March 18-20: Travel to Raigarh and visit the OP Jindal Institute of Technology & Skills

March 21-22: Departures for the United States

doctor sanjay rai

Day One: The US Community College Model: Past, Present and Future

9:00 A.M.


10:00 A.M.

Welcome Remarks, Dr. Sanjay Rai

10:05 A.M.

Honorable Oscar Fernandez, Member of Parliament and Chair, Committee on Human Resources Development

10:10 A.M.

Honorable Timothy Roemer, United States Ambassador to India

10:20 A.M.

Honorable Naveen Jindal, member of Parliament, Executive Vice Chair and Managing Director, Jindal Steel and Power

10:30 A.M.

Special Comments, Dr. Molly Teas, U.S. State Department and Mr. Charles Rose, U.S. Department of Education

11:00 A.M.

Keynote Address: An In-Depth Analysis of the American Community College, Dr. DeRionne Pollard


Presentation: Community Colleges Advancing Student Access & Success: Innovative Partnerships and Resource Considerations, Dr. Sunita Cooke

12:30 P.M.


12:45 P.M.

Presentation: The Role of Community Colleges in Workforce and Economic Development: Realities, Possibilities, and Future Considerations, Dr. Richard Haney


Lunch and Viewing: Montgomery College: Endless Possibilities for 21st Century Workforce Development

2:30 P.M.

Presentation: Spotlight on Applied Technologies: From Curriculum Development and Practical Training to Qualified Workers with Industry Aligned Skills, Ed Roberts, Debra Anderson, Mario Parcan, and John Phillips

3:45 P.M.



Presentation: Underprepared Students: Developmental Math Using Technology, John Hamman and Joan Naake


Presentation: Jindal Educational Initiatives, Dr. Sanjeev P. Sahni, Head – Education, Jindal Steel and Power

5:15 P.M.

Presentation: Skill Development in India: Challenge and Response, R.K. Chugh, Deputy Director General, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India

5:30 P.M.

Close, Dr. DeRionne Pollard

7:15 P.M.

Reception sponsored by Jindal Steel

Day Two: Workforce Training: Business Speaks

9:30 A.M.


10:30 A.M.

Welcome Remarks, Dr. DeRionne Pollard

10:45 A.M.

Recap of Day 1 and Overview of Day 2, Dr. Sanjay Rai

11:00 A.M.
Presentation: The Role of Community College Trustees, Mr. Kaufman

11:30 A.M.

Opening Plenary Presentations:

A Case Study of Montgomery College, Dr. Lori Kelman

Growing a $2.36 Billion in Revenue Biotech Workforce, Dr. Niall Carolan, Human Genome Sciences

12:30 P.M.

Presentation: Leveraging Partnerships to Maximize Impact, Prepared by Steve Greenfield; Presented by Ed Roberts

12:45 P.M.

Business Roundtable Presentations:

Creating Global Competitive Advantage Through Efficient Work, K. Purang

Looking Forward to 2020: Business Leaders from India Speak on Workforce Needs, Opportunities, and Challenges, Dr. Sanjeev Sahni, Dr. Ajay Kela, and Guests

2:45 P.M.

Working Lunch Session: Next Steps for Implementing Sustainable Change: What Would Success Look Like?, Ms. Margaret Latimer, Facilitator

3:45 P.M.

Report Back Session, Margaret Latimer

4:15 P.M.

Closing Remarks, Dr. DeRionne Pollard

5:00 P.M.

Close and Thanks, Dr. Sanjay Rai

The Montgomery College administrators, faculty, and staff traveling to India represent a broad spectrum of higher education expertise in such areas as automotive technology, building trades, construction management, biotechnology, student support services, and developmental education. Montgomery College also invited the Staff Senate and Faculty Council chairs from each campus to nominate one person to ensure full representation on the trip to India. Additional participants reflect the symposium’s focus on international cooperation and workforce development.

Professor and Automotive Technology Program Director


She has also served on the Washington Area New Automobile Dealership (WANADA) Education Board. Professor Anderson came to Montgomery College with industry experience and is an ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) Master Certified Technician. She also holds the ASE Advanced Engine Performance Certification. Professor Anderson has a B.A. from Shepherdstown University, West Virginia.

项目经理兼院长罗克维尔助理;Grant Administrator

Miriam J. Carter,工商管理硕士,曾在高等教育领域担任讲师、项目主管、资助作者和资助经理20年,关注性别和种族平等,重点关注科学、技术、工程和数学(STEM)。在此之前,她曾担任马里兰大学帕克分校运动员、有色人种学生和国际学生学术支持办公室主任。

She also has extensive experience in international development in sub-Saharan Africa. While living in South Africa for seven years, she served as an executive director of an Adult Basic Education and Training NGO, as an ABET consultant for the European Union, and as the owner of a company providing public-private binational capacity building for public service employees, telemedicine systems development, and technician and artisan training in the nuclear engineering sector.

Ms. Carter is currently on the American Association of University Women’s national advisory board on research on women in STEM in community colleges. She is an expert consultant for the National STEM Equity Pipeline Project funded by the National Science Foundation, and an active member of Women in Engineering Program Advocates Network. She also volunteers as a dialogue facilitator and trainer for the Montgomery County Public School system’s Study Circles Program, which is a program that addresses racial and ethnic barriers to student achievement and parent involvement. Ms. Carter is a commissioner on the Montgomery County Commission for Women. Her Morgan State University doctoral dissertation research focuses on women's persistence in undergraduate engineering.

Dean of Business, Information Technology and Safety for Workforce Development and Continuing Education

史蒂夫·格林菲尔德(Steve Greenfield)于2005年5月加入世界杯摩洛哥vs克罗地亚欧赔蒙哥马利学院,此前他在蒙哥马利县政府劳动力服务部门工作了12年,并于1997年和1999年被提名为年度县劳动力领袖。从1999年到2001年,他是蒙哥马利县劳动力发展公司的副总裁,在那里他撰写了蒙哥马利县的5年战略劳动力投资计划。2002年,他在蒙哥马利工厂(Montgomery Works)的领导下成立了该县第一个商业服务部门。

Professor and Chair of the Germantown Mathematics Department

John Hamman is the chair of the Mathematics Department at Montgomery College, Germantown and was instrumental in the recent development and adoption of their self-paced developmental mathematics curriculum.

This is not John’s first foray into curriculum development: at MC he has developed and taught an honors course on concepts on infinity in math, a course on philosophy and art, and, with a colleague in the physical sciences, a course for pre-service teachers that links mathematics and physics. He is active in the Mathematical Association of America at both the local and national levels and has often presented at its meetings on topics ranging from mathematical education to geometric constructions. When not tinkering with the mathematics curriculum, John likes to ride his motorcycle and work in his woodworking shop.

LCOC, Professor and Counselor, Rockville Faculty Council Representative

Professor Aggie Harrell received a M.A. in psychology from Hood College, a post masters certification in addiction counseling from Loyola University, and completed post graduate work at John’s Hopkins University. She is a licensed clinical mental health counselor, and a master addictions counselor. Additionally she is a nationally certified counselor and a nationally certified mental health counselor.


Professor Harrell provides supervision for intern students from John’s Hopkins, Argosky, and Towson Universities who are completing their practicum in counseling at Montgomery College. She serves on both the College-wide and Rockville Campus behavioral intervention teams.

Associate Communications Director

Elizabeth Homan serves as the associate communications director at Montgomery College, a multi-campus community college in Montgomery County, Maryland. Her work as the director of the College’s media relations efforts and the College spokesperson has resulted in stories in the Chronicle of Higher Education, Inside Higher Ed, Washington Post and Post Magazine, Washington Times, and New York Times. In addition to her work with journalists, Ms. Homan manages the College’s team of writers, who create stories and content for College print publications.

Prior to joining Montgomery College in 2003, Ms. Homan worked as a television reporter at KTVB in Boise, Idaho. She covered general and breaking news stories and transportation issues for the state’s top-rated news channel, an NBC affiliate. Homan also spent more than two years at Cable News 21, a cable television station in Montgomery County, Maryland. She worked in the news division, starting as the assignment desk editor before advancing to the positions of producer and reporter.

In addition to her professional work, she serves on the board of directors for the Montgomery County Coalition for the Homeless, one of the largest providers of housing and supportive services to people experiencing homelessness in Montgomery County. She holds a master’s degree in public relations from Georgetown University, a bachelor’s degree in English from Transylvania University, and a second bachelor’s degree in mass communication from Towson University.

First Vice Chair, Montgomery College Board of Trustees (covering his own expenses)

Stephen Z. Kaufman is a senior partner of the law firm Linowes & Blocher, LLP, and concentrates in the areas of municipal law, land use, and eminent domain. Mr. Kaufman represents many private and publicly owned development, financial and retail companies throughout the Baltimore/Washington region. He lectures and writes extensively and has authored legislation in the areas of adequate public facilities, infrastructure finance, and zoning and land use classifications, including planned development zones, transfer of development rights, development finance districts, and moderate cost housing.

Mr. Kaufman was an adjunct professor of law at the George Washington Law Center for Land Use and Planning (1980-87). He also recently served on the subcommittee on the Revision of Planning and Zoning Legislation for the State of Maryland and the Real Estate Advisor Group of the Maryland Department of Transportation. Currently, he serves on the ULI Public Development and Infrastructure Council, 1st Vice Chair Montgomery College Board of Trustees, the University of Baltimore Law School Advisory Board, and the Board of Directors of the Olney Theatre Center for the Arts.

Professor of Biotechnology and Chair of the Germantown Natural Sciences Department

Lori M. Kelman,生物技术教授,日耳曼校区自然科学系主席。她获得了Mount Holyoke College的生物化学学士学位,圣约翰大学的生物硕士学位,Iona College的管理工商管理硕士学位,Cornell University Graduate School of Medical Sciences的分子生物学博士学位。

Dr. Kelman’s current research is on DNA replication and a genetic basis for Vitamin B12 deficiency in humans, conducted at the Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology Research. She performed research on plant transformation methods at the Rockefeller University, transcriptional regulation of histone genes in yeast at the Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, and chromatin silencing at the NIH. She was a science writer at OMIM and has developed educational materials and curricula and taught undergraduate, graduate, and non-credit courses.

She is the recipient of the Yokley Faculty Service Award, the NISOD Award of Excellence, the Montgomery College Faculty Outstanding Service Award, and several teaching awards, grants, and fellowships. She is editor of BIOS, a quarterly journal of the Beta Beta Beta Biological Society which is the only journal in the world devoted to undergraduate biology research.

Professor of English and Takoma Park/Silver Spring Faculty Council representative

Rita Kranidis, Ph.D., teaches developmental and College-level writing courses as well as professional and technical writing. She has been an English professor for nearly 25 years and has served as program coordinator for the Montgomery College Writing in the Disciplines Program, which she created. She has also been a grant reviewer and faculty seminar leader, and has trained teachers. She has done extensive research and published three books and many reviews.

Professor Kranidis was granted the Montgomery College Outstanding Faculty Service Award and was campus nominee for the nationwide Professor of the Year Award.

Associate Dean for Instructional Programs

玛格丽特·拉蒂默在担任了一年的临时副院长后,于2010年12月被任命为蒙哥马利学院日耳曼敦校区的教学项目副院长。世界杯摩洛哥vs克罗地亚欧赔她拥有马萨诸塞大学(University of Massachusetts, Amherst)的物理学学士学位和卡内基梅隆大学(Carnegie-Mellon University)的生物医学工程硕士学位。在她被行政任命之前,她担任了10年的数学全职教授,从2003年到2009年担任系主任。



Administrative Support Specialist and Staff Senate Representative


她也是学院教职员委员会的秘书。工作人员参议院是一群选举产生的非谈判工作人员,他们代表着在薪资、补偿和雇佣实践等领域非谈判的同事。她在俄亥俄州的阿克伦大学(University of Akron)获得技术教育学士学位。

Professor of English and Germantown Faculty Council Representative

Joan M. Naake has a master's degree in English from Boston College. She has done graduate work at the University of California, George Washington University, the University of Maryland, American University, and Oxford University, England. She has taught at Montgomery College for over 20 years, teaching all levels of English from developmental to honors.

In addition, she has been the Department chair of English, is presently the Director of the Renaissance Scholars Honors Program, and was awarded the Carnegie Foundation U.S. Professor of the Year for extraordinary dedication to undergraduate teaching.

Professor and Construction Management Program Coordinator

Mario Parcan has an extensive background in construction management and construction education. He owned and managed a construction firm until he started teaching for Montgomery College in 1989. He is a professor and program coordinator at the Management of Construction program in Montgomery College where he also serves as a chairperson of the Applied Technologies Department. He has a Master's of Science in Engineering degree in Construction Management from Catholic University, where he taught the Construction Estimating and Bidding course at the graduate program for eight years.

Mario Parcan routinely presents seminars for industry, particularly in the areas of construction estimating and integrated project management. He was also a recipient of the National John Trimmer Award for Outstanding Educators in the year 2000 and the Outstanding faculty Award at Montgomery College.

Professor and Building Construction Technology Program Director

John Phillips joined Montgomery College in 1998 as an assistant professor in Building Trades Technology, with a specialty in electrical specialties. In 1999, he became the program director of the Building and Construction Technology program, his current position.

His electrical career began while he was in high school in the early 1980s, working weekends and summers for a commercial electrical contractor. Professor Phillips started working as an electrician full-time soon after high school and has held many positions in the electrical trade, his primary experience being with commercial and industrial projects of various types and sizes.

His teaching career began with a part-time teaching position at the United Auto Workers Union in Chicago, teaching union members basic electrical wiring. He has also taught other subjects at various colleges and universities. Professor Phillips earned a B.A. in philosophy from Northeastern Illinois University and an M.A. in political science from Loyola University, Chicago. He has also received an M.A., and completed all but the dissertation for a Ph.D. in government and politics at the University of Maryland, College Park.

President of Montgomery College

Dr. Pollard assumed leadership of Montgomery College on August 2, 2010, following a national search by the College’s Board of Trustees. As president, Dr. Pollard also serves as the secretary and treasurer of the Board of Trustees.

Dr. Pollard has devoted her career to the advancement of the community college mission and the students we serve. She formerly served as president of Las Positas College in Livermore, California. Under her leadership, Las Positas College experienced a nearly 15 percent enrollment increase, implemented an aggressive $230 million facilities modernization program, and experienced a highly successful reaccreditation.

Project Director and Germantown Vice President and Provost; Grant Administrator

Dr. Sanjay Rai was the instructional dean of Science, Engineering and Mathematics at Montgomery College Rockville Campus from 2004-2009. He completed a Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville. He has an M.S. in mathematics from Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada and both an M.S. in mathematics and a B.S. in statistics, physics, and mathematics from the University of Allahabad in India.


He has supervised undergraduate and graduate research projects in mathematical biology and while at Jacksonville University he established the “Research Experiences for Undergraduate Program” in mathematical biology funded by the DuPont Foundation.

Instructional Dean of the Gudelsky Institute of Technical Education (GITE)

埃德•罗伯茨于1992年加入蒙哥马利学院,担世界杯摩洛哥vs克罗地亚欧赔任建筑贸易技术副教授和项目协调员,该项目位于最近建成的古德尔斯基技术教育学院(GITE)。2000年,他被任命为Applied Technologies和the Gudelsky Institute的代理院长;此后不久,他被选为教学主任。

拥有30多年的教育和技术培训经验,他的职业生涯始于新泽西州的一名工艺美术高中教师。他还在几所大学任教,在公共和私营部门进行专业培训,并担任美国大学中大西洋种族和性别平等中心的项目主任,为整个中大西洋地区的公立学校系统提供咨询和技术援助。他曾担任the Building Industry Institute, Inc.(隶属于the Maryland National Capital Building Industry Association)的组织)的董事。

Mr. Roberts earned a certificate in architectural design and building construction technology from Temple University Technical Institute, a B.S. in occupational education from Southern Illinois University, and an M.A. from Glassboro (now Rowan) State University. He has completed all but the dissertation for a Ph.D. in Industrial Education at the University of Maryland, College Park.

Other Participants and Speakers

Associate Director of Technical Services at Human Genome Sciences

Niall Carolan is the Associate Director of Technical Services at Human Genome Sciences (HGS) in Rockville, MD, USA. His current responsibilities include Manufacturing Training, Technical Transfer and Campaign Technical Support for HGS’ 4 manufacturing facilities. He has over 14 years of industry experience in the Biotechnology and Life Sciences field.

Prior to HGS, he held positions in Novozymes (Denmark, USA) and in Novo Nordisk (Denmark) in protein process development, world wide technology coordination and manufacturing management. He has a PhD in biologics purification from Queen’s University, Belfast, Northern Ireland.

He serves as chair of the advisory board for the community college and industry collaboration ‘NBC2’, which is focused on developing a global bio-manufacturing college curriculum and is funded by the National Science Foundation. He is a certified Six Sigma Black Belt with broad experience in Operational Excellence.

President of Grossmont College and Former Biotechnology Executive

Sunita(“Sunny”)Cooke博士于2007年7月成为位于加州El Cajon的Grossmont学院的校长。格劳斯蒙特学院成立于1961年,拥有两万多名学生,是GCCCD两所社区学院之一,提供150多个副学士学位课程和职业和证书课程。在加入Grossmont之前,Cooke博士在德克萨斯州休斯顿的五所大学北哈里斯蒙哥马利社区学院区工作了12年。在德州的最后两年,她担任了负责劳动力发展的副校长。

在她的职业生涯中,从乔治敦大学(Georgetown University)研究生时期的生物学教学,到生物技术研究所主任和蒙哥马利学院自然科学和卫生专业的院长,库克博士在关键的领导角色中赢得了创新者和激励者的声誉,包括在大学或地区定义新的职位和结构,开发新的教育机会,资金来源或企业培训计划。世界杯摩洛哥vs克罗地亚欧赔

Born in Lucknow, India, Dr. Cooke immigrated to the United States with her family in 1968. After being awarded a doctorate at Georgetown University, she completed a postdoctoral training program at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, while teaching part-time. In 1995, she became a founding faculty member of Montgomery College in Texas. Dr. Cooke has served as a member of the International Chair Academy’s President’s Board organization that provides leadership training to mid-level administrators at post-secondary institutions. She also serves on several community boards including the Sharp Grossmont Hospital Board, East County Chamber of Commerce, YMCA Board of East County, San Diego Community College District COC, San Diego Workforce Investment Board and the AACC Commission on Research Technology and Emerging Trends.

Shri Oscar Fernandes

Member of Parliament and Chair, Committee on Human Resources Development

Vice President for Educational Affairs at College of Lake County

Dr. Rich Haney serves as the Vice President for Educational Affairs at the College of Lake County located near Chicago Illinois. The College of Lake County is a comprehensive community college and serves over 18,000 students at three campuses. Dr. Haney provides leadership and is responsible for all academic programming at the college including adult education and workforce development. He joined the College of Lake County in 1999 as the Dean of Business and Industry Services following leadership positions at Parkland College and Southwestern Illinois Community College.


Naveen Jindal

Member of Parliament, Executive Vice Chair and Managing Director, Jindal Steel and Power

United States Ambassador to India

Ambassador Timothy J. Roemer leads one of America's largest diplomatic missions, broadening and deepening the strategic U.S.-India partnership and expanding public diplomacy throughout India. Nominated by U.S. President Barack Obama as the 21st U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of India on May 27, 2009, Ambassador Roemer was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on July 10, 2009, and sworn in on July 23, 2009. He presented his credentials to Indian President Pratibha Patil on August 11, 2009.

General Counsel for the U.S. Department of Education

Charles P. Rose is the general counsel for the Department. He was nominated by President Obama on March 18, 2009, and confirmed by the United States Senate on May 1, 2009. In this position, Rose serves as the chief legal officer for the Department and as the legal adviser to the secretary of education on all matters affecting the Department's programs and activities.

Head of Education, Jindal Steel & Power Limited

Dr. Sanjeev P. Sahni is head of education with Jindal Steel & Power Limited (JSPL), part of USD 12 billion O.P. Jindal Group. He holds a Ph.D. in organizational behavior and a post-graduate degree in industrial psychology from Punjab University, Chandigarh. He has more than two decades of experience in various facets of Human Resource Management and academics.

在JSPL的最后五年,他曾担任企业人力资源主管和战略人力资源主管。他在改进组织的人力资源实践方面发挥了重要作用,包括在全国各地设立业绩提升中心。在他的领导和指导下,JSPL获得了RASBIC“人力资源领导力奖”、SAIL“人力资源管理卓越奖”等多项人力资源奖项。JSPL还被《今日商业》(Business Today)和美世(Mercer)评为“印度最适合工作的20家公司”之一。他目前领导着由JSPL运营的各种教育机构,包括金达尔全球大学(JGU),金达尔理工学院(OPJIT),金达尔电力技术学院(JIPT),四所社区技术和技能学院(OPJCCTS),三所it和四所学校。

Dr. Molly Teas

Senior Advisor for Education for the U.S. Department of State Bureau of South and Central Asia Affairs

March 2016 International Conference on Curriculum Development for the Indian Community Colleges

The Indian Centre for Research and Development of Community Education (ICRDCE), Chennai is an initiative of Jesuit Madurai Province and a unit of the Chennai Jesuit Society, Chennai Mission, Chennai. It was started in January 1999. It is a facilitating and coordinating agency for Community Colleges in India. It has been involved in the preparation, establishment, monitoring and evaluation of 336 Community Colleges in 17 States of India.

Dr. Richard Cerkovnik

Dr. Cerkovnik has worked in industry as a Quality Control manager in the carbide sector before assuming teaching and administration duties in the community college system, where he has worked for 26 years. During this time he has taught physics, chemistry, physical science, Earth and space science, and industrial science classes, and has served 11 years, as chair/head of a physical sciences department.

He is currently the Director of the Interdisciplinary Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (iSTEM) initiative at Montgomery College. Rich has extensive experience in a variety of STEM disciplines, STEM program development and articulation, instructional technology, grant work, workforce development, teacher preparation and development, K12 outreach, on-line instruction, and educational research.

He has a B.S degree in Chemical Engineering, a M.S. degree in Physics, and a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction. Dr. Cerkovnik led, as Executive Director, the National STEM Consortium in its start-up phase of a $20 M USDOL TAACCCT grant which developed 1-year certificates in technician pathways connected to workforce needs.

Patrick Donovan

With more than 20 years of experience in Information Technology, Patrick Donovan has earned a reputation as being among the leading experts in SharePoint technologies, system architecture, and systems automation. He brings an understanding through extensive experience in managing the large scope of technical enterprise.

His proven experience in technical project management allows him to develop project plans that effectively align scope, time, cost, quality, resources, risk, communication and procurement in a manner that enables highly coordinated execution and control. Patrick is a regular speaker at technical conferences and symposiums and has authored multiple white papers on information architecture security.

He is a sought-after trainer, who has developed and facilitated professional training for SharePoint technologies and Nintex Workflow and Forms supporting government organizations, local colleges, Fortune 500 companies, and non-profit institutions in the United States.

Dr. Geetha Kada

Dr. Geetha Kada is a Professor of nursing at Montgomery College of Nursing and adjunct online nursing faculty at Stevenson University, Maryland, USA.

She has been teaching for 18 years, for different levels of students’ namely Associate degree nursing students, Post-basic degree nursing students, Baccalaureate and Masters in nursing students with experience teaching traditional, hybrid and online nursing learners. She got her BSN and MSN (medical-Surgical Nursing) from the Omayal Achi College of Nursing, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India; MA in public administration from the University of Chennai, Tamilnadu, India; and PhD in nursing education from the Capella University, Minnesota, USA.

She chairs the simulation committee at the college and is an active member of the National League for nurses (NLN). Also, she holds active certification in BLS (Basic Life Support) and ACLS (Advance Cardiac Life Support). She is currently working on the Western Maryland Faculty Academy grant; a collaborative effort among the departments of nursing to prepare experienced BSN and MSN-prepared registered nurses for new roles as part-time clinical nursing faculty.

Jenny Liu

Jenny Liu, MSN, RN is a member of the Nursing faculty at Montgomery College, and faculty advisor to the nursing Honors program, the Nursing Club, and the National Student Nursing Association. Jenny is a passionate advocate for student success, a champion for student diversity, and has won several awards for achievements in the Nursing Club.


She is currently Course Coordinator for the complex medical-surgical course, and sits on the Montgomery College General Education redesign committee. Jenny graduated from Drexel University with a Masters Degree in Nursing Education, and from Troy State University with both BSN and ADN degrees.

She has been a nursing instructor for 10 years, and a Registered Nurse for 36 years. Jenny brings a wide background of experience in maternal-child, Public Health, critical care, medical and surgical nursing, including research, legal consultation, management, and delivery of care. Jenny grew up in Thailand, and graduated from High School at Woodstock School located in the hill station of Mussoorie, Uttarakhand, India and very much looks forward to this international collaboration.

Dr. Michael Mills

Dr. Michael Mills is the vice president of the Office of E-Learning, Innovation and Teaching Excellence at Montgomery College in Montgomery County, Maryland. He leads a team that focuses on quality, innovation, and incorporation of new technologies into the learning environment. Recent initiatives have included working with faculty to use mobile applications and open education resources in their classrooms. The emphasis on technology is centered around increasing student engagement, whether the courses are face-to-face or in a distance format.

Dr. DeRionne Pollard

In 2010, DeRionne Pollard assumed leadership of Montgomery College, a three-campus community college with 60,000 credit and noncredit students. She has traveled to India to promote higher education partnerships four times, and has visited China and Holland on similar ventures.

Dr. Pollard spearheaded the development of a new Montgomery College mission and strategic plan. She has partnered actively with Montgomery County Public Schools and the Universities at Shady Grove in the creation of Achieving Collegiate Excellence and Success (ACES), a support program designed to help students transition from high school to college completion. Dr. Pollard formerly served as president of Las Positas College in Livermore, California.

She served on the American Association of Community Colleges’ 21st Century Commission on the Future of Community Colleges and the Commission on Academic, Student, and Community Development. Dr. Pollard is a member of the Community College Advisory Panel at the College Board and the Higher Education Research and Development Institute Advisory Board. Closer to home, she serves on the board of Montgomery County Business Development Corporation, Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce, Universities at Shady Grove, and Generation Hope.

她最近被《华盛顿杂志》评为华盛顿100位最具影响力的女性之一,并被华盛顿地区妇女基金会授予远见奖。波拉德博士在芝加哥洛约拉大学(Loyola University Chicago)获得教育领导和高等教育政策研究博士学位,在爱荷华州立大学(Iowa State University)获得英语硕士和学士学位。她还被蒙哥马利领导学院、每日记录、贝塞斯达杂志和华盛顿商业杂志授予荣誉。

Dr. Deborah Preston

Dr. Deborah E. Preston is currently on special assignment with the Office of the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs where she is leading a team to develop Montgomery College’s new Academic Master Plan. Now in her tenth year at Montgomery College, she serves as dean for Visual, Performing, and Media Arts, leading a unit of 81 faculty and staff, managing a $7.2m budget, and overseeing arts disciplines on all campuses, including workforce development /continuing education programs and the Parilla Performing Arts Center.

Previously, she served for 14 years as a faculty member, department chair, and campus provost at Georgia Perimeter College in Atlanta. As provost, she managed a campus of 7,000 students and a budget of $13m. At both institutions, she has led interdisciplinary, college-wide initiatives in areas such as study abroad, student retention, faculty evaluation, and academic master plan.

As a professor at Georgia Perimeter College, Dr. Preston was a recipient of the NISOD Excellence in Teaching Award, and as chair she received the Georgia Perimeter College Campus Leadership Award. In 2004, Dr. Preston was selected as an American Council on Education (ACE) Fellow and was one of only two community-college administrators in her class.

She has completed the National Institute for Leadership Development Seminar and the Leadership Montgomery (MD) program. Dr. Preston has served as a member and officer on several non-profit boards and has recently joined the Board of Trustees for BlackRock Center for the Arts in Germantown, MD. This past year she served on the Recruiting Committee for the International Council of Fine Arts Deans as the liaison for community colleges. Dr. Preston earned her B.A. in theatre from Florida State University in 1986 and her M.A. in English from the same in 1988. She received her Ph.D. in English from Tulane University in 1998.

Dr. Sanjay Rai

Dr. Sanjay Rai, senior vice president for Academic Affairs at Montgomery College, is an outspoken champion and ardent supporter of innovations that advance community college student success in academic, career, technical, and workforce development programs. Prior to serving as the College’s chief academic officer, Dr. Rai led the Germantown Campus as vice president and provost, and also served as the dean of science, engineering, and mathematics (SEM) at the Rockville Campus.

Preceding his tenure at Montgomery College, he was chair of the Department of Mathematics at Jacksonville University, Florida, where he also was a tenured full professor. Dr. Rai completed a PhD in mathematics from the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville, an MS in mathematics from Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada, and an MS in mathematics and a BS in statistics, physics, and mathematics from the University of Allahabad in India.

He is a graduate of Leadership Montgomery’s Class of 2009 and has served on the Board of Directors for Leadership Montgomery, the Gaithersburg Germantown Chamber of Commerce, and the BlackRock Center for the Arts. He has received several awards for teaching and scholarship and has authored numerous scholarly articles and other academic publications. His publications are in applied mathematics (modeling HIV using differential equations) and mathematics education. Dr. Rai’s most recent book, Pathways to Real Analysis, was published in April 2009.

Ed Roberts

Ed Roberts于1992年加入蒙哥马利世界杯摩洛哥vs克罗地亚欧赔学院,担任建筑贸易技术的副教授和项目协调员。这是一个新项目,位于新建的古尔德斯基技术教育学院,授予应用科学证书和副学士学位。该学位范围内的专业包括木工、电气、暖气、空调和管道。在最初的10年里,该项目发展到包括原来的学位专业,以及一整套非信贷劳动力发展和继续教育课程,服务于各种建筑行业的需求。它们包括许可证准备、满足特定劳动力发展需求的行业伙伴关系、有针对性的工作培训和学徒培训。

2000年1月,罗伯茨先生被任命为应用技术部和古德尔斯基技术教育学院的代理院长。2002年,他被选为常务院长。他今天继续担任这一职务。作为院长,他负责管理应用地理学、汽车技术、建筑与建筑技术、建筑贸易技术、计算机出版技术和室内设计等AAS学位课程。In addition to the degrees each program offers a full array of non-credit workforce development training including certification, apprenticeship related training, individual business training and contextual basic skills training.

拥有超过40年的教育和技术培训经验,他的职业生涯始于新泽西州的一名工艺美术高中教师。他还曾在马里兰大学和美利坚大学任教,在公共和私营部门开展专业培训,并在美利坚大学中大西洋种族和性别平等中心担任项目主任,为整个中大西洋地区的公立学校系统提供咨询和技术援助。他拥有并经营着一家住宅建筑公司,专门从事住宅扩建和室内装修。他曾担任the Building Industry Institute, Inc.(隶属于the Maryland National Capital Building Industry Association)的组织)的董事。In that role he managed technical training and apprenticeship programs supporting the construction industry.

他持有天普大学技术学院的建筑设计和建筑施工技术证书,南伊利诺伊大学卡本代尔分校的职业教育学士学位,新泽西州罗文州立大学格拉斯伯勒分校的工业教育硕士学位。他在马里兰大学帕克分校(University of Maryland, College Park)完成了除工业教育博士学位论文外的所有工作。

Dr. Clarice Somersall

Dr. Clarice Somersall has been passionately involved in education for many years. As a resident of Bermuda for 17 years, she taught English at the secondary level, functioned as a reading specialist at the elementary level, and lectured at the Bermuda College.



在担任过各种副校长职务后,萨默萨尔博士现在与高级副校长合作处理学术事务。她领导建立与当地学校系统、Shady Grove大学(马里兰大学系统)以及政府、企业、非营利组织和公民组织的关系。

作为维护与企业合作关系的主要负责人,萨默萨尔博士为所有三个校区的学生创造了直接听取埃森哲和探索通信公司高管意见的机会。She also has responsibility for the management of transfer agreements between Montgomery College and four-year American and international universities.

Silvia Vargas

Silvia Vargas是蒙哥马利学院网络安全与网络教授,3M公司高级安全工程师。世界杯摩洛哥vs克罗地亚欧赔她拥有13年的漏洞管理、网络/服务器安全与管理、身份管理和系统集成经验。她也是蒙哥马利学院网络安全项目负责人。世界杯摩洛哥vs克罗地亚欧赔她拥有美国天主教大学信息保障硕士学位和工程管理硕士学位。

A Report on the International Conference on Community Colleges Curriculum(PDF,Get Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader.-Link opens in new window.): the Indian Centre for Research and Development of Community Education (ICRDCE), Chennai in collaboration with Montgomery Community college, Maryland, USA, organized an“International Conference on Curriculum Development for the Indian Community Colleges” on3rd 4th, & 5th March 2016.

Letter to the President from Dayalan Devanesen(PDF,Get Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader.-Link opens in new window.)

Shared Reflections after the CCCD International Conference(PDF,Get Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader.-Link opens in new window.): this Conference as a whole was highly educative and interactive in away that bridged the cultural gap between the USA and India.

Letter to the President from M_David Mansingh(PDF,Get Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader.-Link opens in new window.)

Testimonials from Students and Visitors (PDF,Get Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader.-Link opens in new window.)
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