Montgomery College 2016-2017 Catalog
Aug 27, 2022
Montgomery College 2016-2017 Catalog[ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Appendix A

Determination of Residence for Tuition Purposes

Note:The information in this appendix was current at the time the catalog was prepared, but the student should visit the Policies and Procedures webpage ( for additional information and for changes that may have been made since then.

为了达到学费的目的,作为蒙哥马利县或马里兰州的居民,必须在本学期第一次定期上课前保持不少于三个月的合法住所。此外,学生必须具备在州和联邦法律下建立马里兰住所的法律能力。In establishing the domicile of a person enrolling in a credit course at Montgomery College, the following procedures shall prevail:

  • Domicile shall be considered as a person’s permanent place of abode, where physical presence and possessions are maintained and where he or she intends to remain indefinitely. The domicile of a person who received more than one-half of his or her financial support from others in the most recently completed year is the domicile of the person contributing the greatest proportion of support, without regard to whether the parties are related by blood or marriage.
  • At the time of admission to or initial enrollment in any credit course at Montgomery College, each student shall sign a statement affirming domicile and the factual basis for the claim of domicile.
  • At the time of each subsequent enrollment, each student shall indicate whether his or her domicile is the same as or different from that affirmed for the last semester in attendance. If facts indicate the domicile has changed, the student shall complete a new statement.
  • In determining the adequacy of the factual basis for domicile provided by the student, the College will consider any of the following factors and request evidence for substantiation:
    • ownership or rental of local living quarters
    • substantially uninterrupted physical presence, including the months when the student is not in attendance at the College
    • maintenance in Maryland and in the county of all, or substantially all, of the student’s possessions
    • payment of Maryland state and local piggyback income taxes on all taxable income earned, including all taxable income earned outside the state
    • registration to vote in the state and county
    • registration of a motor vehicle in the state, with a local address specified, if the student owns or uses such a vehicle
    • possession of a valid Maryland driver’s license, with a local address specified, if the student is licensed anywhere to drive a motor vehicle

A domicile in Montgomery County or the state of Maryland is lost when a new domicile is established for a period of three months at a location outside the county or state.

In addition to the general requirements, the following provisions apply to the specific categories of students indicated:

  • Military personnel and their dependents who were domiciliaries of Maryland at the time of entrance into the armed forces and who are stationed outside the state may retain Maryland domicile as long as they do not establish domicile elsewhere.
  • Military personnel and their dependents who are on active duty for a period of more than 30 days and whose domicile or permanent duty station is in the State may retain Maryland domicile as long as they are continuously enrolled.
  • 如果个人具有在马里兰州建立住所的法律能力,其移民身份不排除根据本政策获得马里兰州居留权。
  • A student enrolled in a program designated as statewide or regional by the state Board for Community Colleges may be considered a resident for tuition purposes if domiciled in the approved region for the program.
  • A student from outside the state who enrolls as part of a reciprocity agreement negotiated between Maryland and another state may be considered a resident for tuition purposes.
  • Students who move to Maryland as an employee (civilian personnel or defense contractor) or a family member of an employee as a result of the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) may be eligible to receive a waiver of out-of-state or out-of-county fee.


Appendix B

Payment Procedures

One-party checks, money orders, bank treasurer/cashier checks, credit cards, debit cards, and cash are accepted in payment of tuition and fees. All personal checks and money orders must be made payable to Montgomery College and must be in the exact amount of tuition and fees. Two-party credit union or bank treasurer/cashier checks payable to the student and Montgomery College also are accepted in payment of tuition and fees with the student’s endorsement. However, two-party personal and business checks and payroll checks are not accepted in payment of student tuition and fees.



In the event that an invalid check charge has been posted to and remains on the student’s account, all future payments of tuition and fees must be made by cash, bank money order, bank treasurer’s check, bank certified check, debit card, or credit card. This restriction may be removed if a letter is received from the bank on which the invalid check was drawn indicating that an error on the part of the bank caused the invalid check.

Please refer

Appendix C

Refund Procedures

A. General

  1. Students wishing to withdraw officially from a course or courses should consult with the Office of Admissions and Records on their campus to ensure that required procedures are followed.
  2. Students who receive financial aid must inform the Student Financial Aid Office if their withdrawal or change of schedule changes the number of credit hours in which they are enrolled. If they have paid their tuition using financial aid funds, they normally will receive no refund since the amount of the refund will be returned to the appropriate financial aid account.
  3. The effective date for the calculation of a refund will be the date that the student successfully drops the class via the web or the date that notification is received in the respective campus Office of Admissions and Records. Except in cases where courses are administratively cancelled, no refund will be made unless the student officially withdraws by the posted deadline.

B. Administrative Cancellation

  1. 当课程被学院行政取消时,学生若不补上被取消的课程,可以全额退还已支付的学费和其他费用。
  2. Students enrolled in courses that are cancelled by the College are not required to withdraw officially from the courses, as they are required to do in the case of student-initiated withdrawals, either voluntary or involuntary. Appropriate adjustments, including refunds, will be made to their accounts.

C. Involuntary Withdrawal

  1. 在大多数情况下,因非自愿退课而产生的退款将根据预定的班级会议总数和过期的班级会议总数按比例分配。退款仅以学费为基础,不包括其他费用。所有费用必须在收到学费退款之前支付。但是,对于因相关部队调动而被征召到现役或被调任的军人,只要提供适当的文件,就可以全额退还撤回生效日期所在学期的学费和其他费用。如需更多信息,请与招生和记录办公室联系。

  2. A withdrawal is considered involuntary if it results from one of the following:
    1. 进入武装部队执行现役-要求退出必须有军事命令的副本,由个人的指挥官或其他适当的官员签署,以显示进入日期的证明。
    2. Illness of the student or in the immediate family of the student (immediate family includes a child, parent, spouse, or other regular member of the individual’s household)-A physician’s certification must be provided stating that the student’s or family member’s illness requires the student’s withdrawal.
    3. Death of the student or in the immediate family of the student (as defined in item 2b above)-Appropriate substantiation must accompany the request for withdrawal.
    4. 由学生的雇主非自愿转移/改变工作时间,从而排除了继续上课的可能性(在本节中,军队分支机构也被视为雇主)-退学要求必须有适当的文件证明。

D. Voluntary Withdrawal

Voluntary withdrawal is one that results from causes other than those defined above as involuntary. Applicable tuition is refundable only after the student has paid all fees. The College must meet its responsibilities and commitments for faculty, staff, equipment, and supplies based on original registration data. However, the Board of Trustees recognizes that there may be occasions when students have made commitments by registering but, for some personal reason, must of their own volition withdraw during the semester.

Students who officially withdraw by the published deadline date of a course (or courses) are eligible to receive a refund of 100 percent of tuition and fees for the course(s) from which they are withdrawing. The deadline for eligibility for a refund is shown for each course section on the student schedule/invoice.

Students who withdraw from a course (or courses) after the published deadline date of the course(s) are not eligible to receive a refund for that course or courses.

E. Appeals of Refund Decisions

Appeals for exception to the established refund policy, as detailed above, may be made to the assistant director of enrollment services/college registrar or designee by completing a refund appeal form. This form is available in the Office of Admissions and Records located on each campus.Note: Appeals will not be considered if entered more than 45 days after the close of the semester for which the student is claiming a refund. Campus academic appeals committees hear appeals on academic matters and have no authority to authorize refunds.

Appendix D

Maryland Higher Education Commission Student Transfer Policies

.01 Scope and Applicability

This chapter applies only to public institutions of higher education.

.02 Definitions

  1. In this chapter, the following terms have the meanings indicated.
  2. Terms defined.
    1. “AA degree” means the Associate of Arts degree.
    2. “AAS degree” means the Associate of Applied Sciences degree.
    3. “艺术”是指考察美学和审美形式的发展,探索理论与实践之间关系的课程。这一领域的课程可能包括美术、表演和工作室艺术、艺术欣赏和艺术史。
    4. “AS degree” means the Associate of Sciences degree.
    5. “生物和物理科学”是指研究生命系统和物理宇宙的课程。They introduce students to the variety of methods used to collect, interpret, and apply scientific data, and to an understanding of the relationship between scientific theory and application.
    6. “English composition courses” means courses that provide students with communication knowledge and skills appropriate to various writing situations, including intellectual inquiry and academic research.
    7. “General education” means the foundation of the higher education curriculum providing a coherent intellectual experience for all students.
    8. “General education program” means a program that is designed to:
      1. Introduce undergraduates to the fundamental knowledge, skills, and values that are essential to the study of academic disciplines;
      2. Encourage the pursuit of life-long learning; and
      3. 促进社会和世界受教育人士的发展。
    9. “Humanities” means courses that examine the values and cultural heritage that establish the framework for inquiry into the meaning of life. Courses in the humanities may include the language, history, literature, and philosophy of Western and other cultures.
    10. “Mathematics” means courses that provide students with numerical, analytical, statistical, and problemsolving skills.
    11. “Native student” means a student whose initial college enrollment was at a given institution of higher education and who has not transferred to another institution of higher education since that initial enrollment.
    12. “平行计划”是指一所高等教育机构的学习计划或课程,其目标与另一所高等教育机构的目标具有可比性。例如,社区学院的心理学转学计划可被定义为与四年制高等教育机构的心理学学士学位计划平行的计划。
    13. “Receiving institution” means the institution of higher education at which a transfer student currently desires to enroll.
    14. “推荐转学计划”是指在社区大学进行的计划课程,包括通识教育和专业课程,适用于接收机构的学士学位计划,通常也适用于学士学位的前两年。
    15. “Sending institution” means the institution of higher education of most recent previous enrollment by a transfer student at which transferable academic credit was earned.
    16. “Social and behavioral sciences” means courses that examine the psychology of individuals and the ways in which individuals, groups, or segments of society behave, function, and influence one another. The courses include, but are not limited to, subjects which focus on:
      1. History and cultural diversity;
      2. Concepts of groups, work, and political systems;
      3. 将定性和定量数据应用于社会问题;而且
      4. Interdependence of individuals, society, and the physical environment.
    17. “Transfer student” means a student entering an institution for the first time having successfully completed a minimum of 12 semester hours at another institution which is applicable for credit at the institution the student is entering.

.03 General Education Requirements for Public Institutions

  1. While public institutions have the autonomy to design their general education program to meet their unique needs and mission, that program shall conform to the definitions and common standards in this chapter. A public institution shall satisfy the general education requirement by:
    1. Requiring each program leading to the AA or AS to include not less than 30 and not more than 36 semester hours, and each baccalaureate degree program to include not less than 40 and not more than 46 semester hours of required core courses, with the core requiring, at a minimum, course work in each of the following five areas:
      1. Arts and humanities,
      2. Social and behavioral sciences,
      3. Biological and physical sciences,
      4. Mathematics, and
      5. 英语作文;or
    2. Conforming with COMAR 13B.02.02.16D(2)(b)-(c).
  2. Each core course used to satisfy the distribution requirements of §A(1) of this regulation shall carry at least 3 semester hours.
  3. General education programs of public institutions shall require at least:
    1. One course in each of two disciplines in arts and humanities;
    2. One course in each of two disciplines in social and behavioral sciences;
    3. Two science courses, at least one of which shall be a laboratory course;
    4. One course in mathematics at or above the level of college algebra; and
    5. One course in English composition.
  4. Interdisciplinary and Emerging Issues.
    1. In addition to the five required areas in §A of this regulation, a public institution may include up to 8 semester hours in a sixth category that addresses emerging issues that institutions have identified as essential to a full program of general education for their students. These courses may:
      1. Be integrated into other general education courses or may be presented as separate courses; and
      2. Include courses that:
        1. Provide an interdisciplinary examination of issues across the five areas; or
        2. Address other categories of knowledge, skills, and values that lie outside of the five areas.
    2. 公共机构不得在通识教育项目中包括本部分的课程,除非它们提供了与本条例§a(1)中的领域相同的学术内容和严密性。
  5. 获得AAS学位的普通教育项目应包括至少20个学期的课程,这些课程是由AA和AS学位的发送机构指定的。AAS学位应包括本规定§A(1)中列出的五个领域中的每个领域至少一个3个学期的课程。
  6. A course in a discipline listed in more than one of the areas of general education may be applied only to one area of general education.
  7. A public institution may allow a speech communication or foreign language course to be part of the arts and humanities category.
  8. 如果文学是课程内容的一部分,写作和文学课程可能被放在艺术和人文领域。
  9. Public institutions may not include physical education skills courses as part of the general education requirements.
  10. General education courses shall reflect current scholarship in the discipline and provide reference to theoretical frameworks and methods of inquiry appropriate to academic disciplines.
  11. Courses that are theoretical may include applications, but all applications courses shall include theoretical components if they are to be included as meeting general education requirements.
  12. Public institutions may incorporate knowledge and skills involving the use of quantitative data, effective writing, information retrieval, and information literacy when possible in the general education program.
  13. Notwithstanding §A(1) of this regulation, a public 4-year institution may require 48 semester hours of required core courses if courses upon which the institution’s curriculum is based carry 4 semester hours.
  14. Public institutions shall develop systems to ensure that courses approved for inclusion on the list of general education courses are designed and assessed to comply with the requirements of this chapter.

.04 Transfer of General Education Credit

  1. 从另一事业单位转学到另一事业单位的学生,在本章规定的派送机构完成的工作,应获得普通教育学分。
  2. A completed general education program shall transfer without further review or approval by the receiving institution and without the need for a course-by-course match.
  3. Courses that are defined as general education by one institution shall transfer as general education even if the receiving institution does not have that specific course or has not designated that course as general education.
  4. The receiving institution shall give lower-division general education credits to a transferring student who has taken any part of the lower-division general education credits described inRegulation .03of this chapter at a public institution for any general education courses successfully completed at the sending institution.
  5. 除非另有规定Regulation .03Mof this chapter, a receiving institution may not require a transfer student who has completed the requisite number of general education credits at any public college or university to take, as a condition of graduation, more than 10-16 additional semester hours of general education and specific courses required of all students at the receiving institution, with the total number not to exceed 46 semester hours. This provision does not relieve students of the obligation to complete specific academic program requirements or course prerequisites required by a receiving institution.
  6. A sending institution shall designate on or with the student transcript those courses that have met its general education requirements, as well as indicate whether the student has completed the general education program.
  7. A.A.S. degrees.
    1. 虽然在某一特定机构,AA、AS和AAS学位所需的通识教育时数可能存在差异,但被认定为满足所有学位通识教育要求的课程应来自同一通识教育课程列表,不包括技术或职业课程。
    2. a . a . s学生转学至接收院校时,学分少于接收院校指定的通识教育学分总数者,应按接收院校指定的分配完成学分差额。除非另有规定Regulation .03Mof this chapter, the total general education credits for baccalaureate degree-granting public receiving institutions may not exceed 46 semester hours.
  8. 学生的责任。A student is held:
    1. Accountable for the loss of credits that:
      1. Result from changes in the student’s selection of the major program of study,
      2. Were earned for remedial course work, or
      3. Exceed the total course credits accepted in transfer as allowed by this chapter; and
    2. 负责满足接收机构学术项目的所有要求。

.05 Transfer of Nongeneral Education Program Credit

  1. Transfer to Another Public Institution.
    1. Credit earned at any public institution in the state is transferable to any other public institution if the:
      1. Credit is from a college or university parallel course or program;
      2. Grades in the block of courses transferred average 2.0 or higher; and
      3. 该学分的接受与接收机构管理同一项目的本土学生的政策一致。
    2. If a native student’s “D” grade in a specific course is acceptable in a program, then a “D” earned by a transfer student in the same course at a sending institution is also acceptable in the program. Conversely, if a native student is required to earn a grade of “C” or better in a required course, the transfer student shall also be required to earn a grade of “C” or better to meet the same requirement.
  2. Credit earned in or transferred from a community college is limited to:
    1. One half the baccalaureate degree program requirement, but may not be more than 70 semester hours; and
    2. 本科前两年的教育经历。
  3. Nontraditional Credit.
    1. The assignment of credit for AP, CLEP, or other nationally recognized standardized examination scores presented by transfer students is determined according to the same standards that apply to native students in the receiving institution, and the assignment shall be consistent with the State minimum requirements.
    2. 以下领域的信用证转让应符合COMAR 13B.02.02。而且shall be evaluated by the receiving institution on a course-by-course basis:
      1. Technical courses from career programs;
      2. Course credit awarded through articulation agreements with other segments or agencies;
      3. Credit awarded for clinical practice or cooperative education experiences; and
      4. Credit awarded for life and work experiences.
    3. 学分的授予依据由接收院校在学生的成绩单上注明。
    4. The receiving institution shall inform a transfer student of the procedures for validation of course work for which there is no clear equivalency. Examples of validation procedures include ACE recommendations, portfolio assessment, credit through challenge, examinations, and satisfactory completion of the next course in sequence in the academic area.
    5. The receiving baccalaureate degree-granting institution shall use validation procedures when a transferring student successfully completes a course at the lower-division level that the receiving institution offers at the upper-division level. The validated credits earned for the course shall be substituted for the upper-division course.
  4. Program Articulation.
    1. 推荐的转学项目应通过派遣和接收机构之间的协商制定。推荐的转学项目代表了两所学校之间的一项协议,允许有志攻读学士学位的学生规划他们的课程。这些项目构成了大一/大二水平的课程工作,需要在社区大学完成接收机构的较低部门的课程工作要求。
    2. Recommended transfer programs in effect at the time that this regulation takes effect, which conform to this chapter, may be retained.

.06 Academic Success and General Well-Being of Transfer Students

  1. 派出机构。
    1. 社区学院应鼓励其学生完成副学士学位或完成推荐转学课程的56小时,其中包括普通教育课程和适用于接收机构的课程。
    2. Community college students are encouraged to choose as early as possible the institution and program into which they expect to transfer.
    3. The sending institution shall:
      1. Provide to community college students information about the specific transferability of courses at 4-year colleges;
      2. 将有能力完成荣誉工作或独立学习的转学学生的信息传送给接收院校;而且
      3. Promptly supply the receiving institution with all the required documents if the student has met all financial and other obligations of the sending institution for transfer.
  2. Receiving Institutions.
    1. Admission requirements and curriculum prerequisites shall be stated explicitly in institutional publications.
    2. A receiving institution shall admit transfer students from newly established public colleges that are functioning with the approval of the Maryland Higher Education Commission on the same basis as applicants from regionally accredited colleges.
    3. A receiving institution shall evaluate the transcript of a degree-seeking transfer student as expeditiously as possible, and notify the student of the results not later than mid-semester of the student’s first semester of enrollment at the receiving institution, if all official transcripts have been received at least 15 working days before mid-semester. The receiving institution shall inform a student of the courses which are acceptable for transfer credit and the courses which are applicable to the student’s intended program of study.
    4. A receiving institution shall give a transfer student the option of satisfying institutional graduation requirements that were in effect at the receiving institution at the time the student enrolled as a freshman at the sending institution. In the case of major requirements, a transfer student may satisfy the major requirements in effect at the time when the student was identifiable as pursuing the recommended transfer program at the sending institution. These conditions are applicable to a student who has been continuously enrolled at the sending institution.

.07 Programmatic Currency

  1. A receiving institution shall provide to the community college current and accurate information on recommended transfer programs and the transferability status of courses. Community college students shall have access to this information.
  2. 当学位授予机构批准新的学士学位课程时,应与各社区学院共同制定推荐转学课程。
  3. 各院校在考虑课程调整时,应互相通知可能影响转学生的课程调整建议。应建立适当的机制,以确保二年制和四年制公立大学都向提出改革的机构提供意见或意见。应提供足够的提前时间,以最小的中断影响变更。转学学生不需要重复在社区大学成功完成的同等课程。

.08 Transfer Mediation Committee

  1. There is a Transfer Mediation Committee, appointed by the Secretary, which is representative of the public four year colleges and universities and the community colleges.
  2. Sending and receiving institutions that disagree on the transferability of general education courses as defined by this chapter shall submit their disagreements to the Transfer Mediation Committee. The Transfer Mediation Committee shall address general questions regarding existing or past courses only, not individual student cases, and shall also address questions raised by institutions about the acceptability of new general education courses. As appropriate, the Committee shall consult with faculty on curricular issues.
  3. The findings of the Transfer Mediation Committee are considered binding on both parties.

.09 Appeal Process

  1. Notice of Denial of Transfer Credit by a Receiving Institution.
    1. 除本规定§A(2)规定外,接收机构应在转学学生第一学期的中学期之前以书面形式通知转学学生拒绝转学学分,如果所有正式成绩单已在中学期前至少15个工作日收到。
    2. 在第一学期中学期前15个工作日后提交成绩单的,接收机构应在收到正式成绩单后20个工作日内通知被拒绝学分的学生。
    3. A receiving institution shall include in the notice of denial of transfer credit:
      1. 学生申诉权利陈述书;而且
      2. A notification that the appeal process is available in the institution’s catalog.
    4. The statement of the student’s right to appeal the denial shall include notice of the time limitations in §B of this regulation.
  2. A student believing that the receiving institution has denied the student transfer credits in violation of this chapter may initiate an appeal by contacting the receiving institution’s transfer coordinator or other responsible official of the receiving institution within 20 working days of receiving notice of the denial of credit.
  3. 接收机构的回应。
    1. A receiving institution shall:
      1. Establish expeditious and simplified procedures governing the appeal of a denial of transfer of credit; and
      2. Respond to a student’s appeal within 10 working days.
    2. 机构可以批准或拒绝上诉。学校拒绝申诉的理由应与本章一致,并以书面形式传达给学生。
    3. Unless a student appeals to the sending institution, the written decision in §C(2) of this regulation constitutes the receiving institution’s final decision and is not subject to appeal.
  4. Appeal to Sending Institution.
    1. If a student has been denied transfer credit after an appeal to the receiving institution, the student may request the sending institution to intercede on the student’s behalf by contacting the transfer coordinator of the sending institution.
    2. A student shall make an appeal to the sending institution within 10 working days of having received the decision of the receiving institution.
  5. Consultation between Sending and Receiving Institutions.
    1. Representatives of the two institutions shall have 15 working days to resolve the issues involved in an appeal.
    2. As a result of a consultation in this section, the receiving institution may affirm, modify, or reverse its earlier decision.
    3. The receiving institution shall inform a student in writing of the result of the consultation.
    4. The decision arising out of a consultation constitutes the final decision of the receiving institution and is not subject to appeal.

.10 Periodic Review

  1. Report by Receiving Institution.
    1. A receiving institution shall report annually the progress of students who transfer from two year and four year institutions within the State to each community college and to the Secretary of the Maryland Higher Education Commission.
    2. 年度报告应包括按专业分类的已入学转学生后续学业成绩的持续报告,包括毕业率。
    3. 接收机构应在报告中包括本国学生进展的可比信息。
  2. 转移协调员。公立高等教育机构应当指定转学协调人,作为转学的资源人员,在派遣校区或接收校区进行转学。转学协调员负责监督本章所述政策和程序的应用,并向个别学生和学校解释转学政策。
  3. The Maryland Higher Education Commission shall establish a permanent Student Transfer Advisory Committee that meets regularly to review transfer issues and recommend policy changes as needed. The Student Transfer Advisory Committee shall address issues of interpretation and implementation of this chapter.