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RP Part Three: MC Remote Placement

No previous scores/transcripts? No problem!

We will figure out the courses that meet your learning needs using our MC Remote Placement.


You do not have to go through all these sections. You will only click on the tabs for the academic areas that you need. Remember that in most cases, you will need to complete your English or ESL placement before you can complete your Math or Chemistry placement. If you are not sure where to begin, email us atRemotePlacement@montgomerycollege.edufor guidance.



Students without a high school diploma or GED and under the age of 18 years old by the first day of their initial entry term are considered Underage Students. Underage students are not eligible for standard admission into the College and may only register through dual enrollment. Please visit our卡塔尔世界杯赛程时间表new windowwebpage for more information.

You may complete the Math Remote Placement plan while you are working on your English placement. For ESL and International (F1 visa) students, you must receive an ESL placement of ELAR970 or higher in order to begin your math placement.

You will complete the Chemistry Remote Placement after you have completed your math placement and received a MATH117 or higher assessment.

After you complete your English or ESL Remote Placement, you must complete the Online New Student Orientation and the Online Academic Orientation. For more information, follow the instructions inRP Part Four: Online Orientations.

MC ESL (English as a Second Language) Remote Placement

The MC ESL Remote Placement will pause Thursday, August 25, 2022 for Fall 2022 semester registration.

Who should take the ESL Placement?

Students who have not enrolled in classes at Montgomery College should complete the ESL placement process in order to be placed in the correct classes.

You should take the ESL placement if either of these statements are true:

  • your first language is not American English
  • you have not completed 10 or more years of study in a U.S. school (elementary, middle, high school).

Students without a high school diploma or GED and under the age of 18 years old by the first day of their initial entry term are considered Underage Students.  Underage students are not eligible for standard admission into the College and may only register through dual enrollment.  Please visit our卡塔尔世界杯赛程时间表webpage for more information.

We suggest you begin by watching this short video:Getting Started at Montgomery Collegeor follow the steps below.

What is ESL Remote Placement?

There are two ESL programs and one basic skills program offered at Montgomery College.

  1. English Language for Academic Purposes:这是一个学术性的ESL课程。For more information, visit their webpageEnglish Language for Academic Purposesand
  2. ESL Noncredit Program:This is a pre-academic ESL program. For more information, visit their webpageESL Noncredit Programor email them
  3. ESL and GED program:Adult ESOL and Basic Skills for College and Careers. This program offers classes at locations throughout Montgomery County. For more information, visit their webpageAdult ESOL and Basic Skills for College and Careersor email them
What will you do in the ESL Remote Placement?
  • Writing:你要回答关于你自己的问题。你还将写一个主题约30分钟。The next day you will receive instructions in your college email to make a remote appointment (using Zoom) with an ESL Placement Advisor.
  • Speaking:This professor will conduct a brief interview with you, including a short speaking assessment, and give you your placement results. This professor can also answer your questions and guide you to next steps, which may include making a follow-up appointment with a Counseling Advisor.
What steps do you need to take to schedule the ESL Remote Placement?

Step 1: Apply to the College

  • If you are still working on this step, please finish claiming your college account. Visit this webpage:Getting Started: How to Apply and Register. This page will help you complete the following tasks:
    1. Completing the admissions application
    2. Obtaining an M# (Montgomery College student ID number)
    3. Activating your MyMC and Montgomery College email accounts.
  • If you need accommodations related to a disability, contactDisability Support Servicesbefore completing any tasks in this section.
  • If you still have questions about applying to the college, contact theOffice of Raptor Centralor acounselor.


You should take the ESL placement if your first language is not American English, or you have not completed 10 or more years of study in a U.S. school. If this is not true for you, you should take the English Placement.

Some new students may not have to complete this process if they have alternative placements from their U.S. high school. For more information about alternative placements, look at the sectionMultiple Placement Optionsin this webpage before completing your placement process.

Step 3: Complete the ESL Remote Placement

  1. 准备好MyMC登录凭据。
  2. Go to this link:ESL Remote Placement.
  3. Using your MyMC login, open and carefully complete the tasks in this form.
  4. You may only do this process once. If you feel that you need to revise something after submitting your form and paragraph responses, please

What if you have additional questions?

Email us

Step 4: Take other placement exams

Talk to a counselorto find out if you need to complete the Math or Chemistry placement.

When you have completed your remote placement for all of your courses, your next step will be to goRP Part Four: Online New Student Orientationon this webpage.

Honesty Matters at MC

Dishonest work on the ESL placement could hurt your ability to receive financial aid or hurt your GPA by placing you into a more advanced course that you are NOT ready for.

Cheating is a violation of Montgomery College’s academic policies and principles and is taken seriously. You are required to follow the honor policy below when taking tests and doing the placement process:

  • Do not receive help from others
  • Do not use the Internet or other outside resources
  • Do not use your cell phone

We look forward to talking with you and we wish you all the best for your experience at Montgomery College!

MC English Remote Placement

English and Reading want to welcome you to Montgomery College!


Students without a high school diploma or GED and under the age of 18 years old by the first day of their initial entry term are considered Underage Students. Underage students are not eligible for standard admission into the College and may only register through dual enrollment. Please visit our卡塔尔世界杯赛程时间表webpage for more information

Step One: Apply to the College

If you are still working on this step, please finish claiming your college account. Visit this webpage:Getting Started: How to Apply and Register.

This page will help you complete the following tasks:

  • Completing the admissions application
  • Obtaining an M# (Montgomery College student ID number)
  • Activating your account

Step Two: Check your transcripts/scores

Some new students may not have to complete a placement process if they already have alternative placement scores. For example:

  • SAT scores
  • ACT scores
  • ACCUPLACER scores
  • GED scores
  • Transcript (Maryland High School or Other College)
  • AP Language and Composition Test Scores

Make sure to visit the sectionMultiple Placement Optionsin this webpage before completing your placement process.

If you have one of these placement options, STOP and submit your unofficial scores to theOffice of Raptor Central.

Step Three: Remote Placement Process

  • Have your MyMC login credentials ready
  • Using your MyMC login, open and complete the tasks in this form:MC English Remote Placement
  • This process will take about 30-40 minutes to complete
  • You may only do this process once. If you feel that you need to revise something after submitting your form and paragraph responses, please

Honesty Matters at MC

There is no benefit to inflating or deflating your abilities on the Writing tasks. Your scores will not change your ability to take courses at Montgomery College. We will use your paragraph responses to help you choose the most appropriate courses for your incoming knowledge level and academic path.

Dishonest work on the paragraph responses could hinder your ability to receive financial aid or hurt your GPA by placing you into a more advanced course than you are ready for.

Cheating is a violation of Montgomery College’s Student Code of Conduct and is taken seriously. You are required to follow thehonorpolicybelow:

  • 不要接受别人的帮助。
  • Do not use the Internet or other web-based resources.

Step Four:

  • An English and Reading Advisor will contact you within two to three business days.
  • The English and Reading Advisor may request to make a remote appointment with you.
  • After the remote appointment, you should be able to register for an English class.

Step Five:

  • If you need to complete Math or Chemistry placement, you must do that separately:
  • If you have completed your remote placement for all your courses, you must go next toPart Four: Online Orientationsin this webpage.



Yes. We have office hours available for students who would like to meet a faculty member in person.Use this link to find appointment times.


For disability related accommodations, contactDisability Support Servicesbefore completing any tasks in this section.

What if I want to place directly into ENGL 102 or 103?
We recommend students take ENGL 101 or 101+011 before enrolling in the rigorous ENGL 102 or 103 course. However, for more information about the ENGL 102/103 "check on placement" eligibility, contact Professor Teri Hurst

When should I register?


What if I change my mind about placement?

If you change your mind about placement, you may emailEnglishPlacement@montgomerycollege.edu并要求与英语和阅读指导老师预约。你也可以在第一周上课的时候和导师谈谈。

What if I don’t want to take English composition this year, but I place into ENGL 101/011?

We urge you to take Math and English immediately. Statistics show that students who take English and Math their first year of college will complete college at much higher rates that their peers who do not. If you want to consider other options, please

MC Math Remote Placement

Math, Statistics and Data Science department faculty members want to welcome you to Montgomery College!

You are reading this section because you didnothave any math scores or transcripts from the list ofMultiple Placement Optionsin Step Two of this website or you need to take a higher level math.

Students without a high school diploma or GED and under the age of 18 years old by the first day of their initial entry term are considered Underage Students. Underage students are not eligible for standard admission into the College and may only register through dual enrollment. Please visit our卡塔尔世界杯赛程时间表webpage for more information

If you need an accommodation related to your disability to complete your ALEKS Math Placement, contactDisability Support Services在你开始考试之前。

Honesty Matters at MC



Dishonest work on this test could hinder your ability to receive financial aid or hurt your GPA by placing you into a more advanced course than you are ready for.

Cheating is a violation of Montgomery College’s Student Code of Conduct and is taken seriously. You are required to follow the honor policy below when taking tests:



Do not use your own calculator. (A calculator is provided in ALEKS when needed.)

Do not use your cell phone.


If your first language is American English or you have attended a US school for 10 or more years (elementary, middle, high school), you will take the ALEKS Math placement test.

非英语母语者在完成ELAP远程教学后可以参加ALEKS数学分级考试。需要达到ELAR 970或更高的水平才能参加这个数学分级测试。

What is ALEKS Math Placement?

世界杯摩洛哥vs克罗地亚欧赔蒙哥马利学院提供ALEKS Placement, Preparation and Learning (ALEKS PPL)评估,以确定数学课程的准备情况。

ALEKS Math consists of the following items:


Diagnostic (Test 1):You cannot use the result of this test to register for classes. The result of this test will create an individualized learning module that you will complete to refresh your math skills. You will complete this test in your own time with any digital device and a reliable Internet connection while following the honor policy stated above. Once you begin the Diagnostic (Test 1), you will have 48 hours to complete and submit the test. Otherwise, it will reset, and you will have to re-do the Diagnostic.

测试2:一旦您完成了诊断(测试1),ALEKS将分配给您一个基于诊断结果构建的准备和学习模块。一旦你在ALEKS学习模块中完成了至少3个小时的工作,并且在完成测试1之后的24小时内,你将看到测试2可以在ALEKS的主页上进行。记住,你可以在学习模块中继续学习超过3个小时。练习得越多越好!当您准备测试时,只需单击测试2,并遵循相同的荣誉策略,将其与测试1进行类似的操作。在测试2之后,你应该与咨询顾问预约讨论你的课程安排。To meet with a counselor, follow the instructions in this webpage:Meet with a Counselor/Advisor.



How Do I Take the ALEKS Math Placement Test?

Step One:

Obtain your M# (Montgomery College student ID number)

Visit the webpageGetting Started: How to Apply and Registerand complete "Step Two: Activate Your Account and Determine Placement"

After activating your MyMC account, go toALEKSnew windowto open and create your account. You will need your MyMC login information.

Once your ALEKS account is created, you can login to your ALEKS module anytime atALEKSnew windowusing your MyMC username and password.

Step Two:

Login toALEKSnew window遵循指导,并完成工具教程。

When complete, ALEKS will automatically start you in Diagnostic (Test 1).

You will need about 2 hours of uninterrupted time, a paper and pencil, and a reliable internet connection.

Step Three:


You are strongly encouraged to work more than 3 hours in order to refresh your knowledge and to help ensure that you are placed appropriately.

Step Four:

Take Test 2 in your own time. Follow the honor policy mentioned above.

After you complete a minimum of 3 hours of work in the learning module and 24 hours has passed since you completed Test 1, you will see Test 2 available to take on your ALEKS home page.



Step Five:

If you need to complete English or Chemistry placement, you must do that separately:

If you have completed your remote placement for all your courses, you must go next toPart Four: Online Orientationsin this webpage.

How Will I Get My Test Scores?

You can always view your scores in yourALEKSnew windowaccount. You should schedule a meeting with a counselor or advisor after completing Test 2. Your scores will be uploaded and registration for classes can occur the day after your test. Remember that Test 1 is used as a diagnostic. It does not count for registration purposes and it will not upload in the college system.

What If I Need Technical Support?

If you experience difficulty with your MyMC login:


If you experience technical difficulties within ALEKS, please contactALEKS Support

Telephone: (800) 258 – 2374

What if I need math assistance?

If you need math help, please contact:

Ms. Nafeesa

Ms. Lori

Understanding How ALEKS Scores Correspond to Course Eligibility *

For ALEKS Scores 0-45:

For ALEKS Scores 0-45:
Score Range (0-13) Score Range (14-29) Score Range (30-45)

Majors that focus on the sciences (e.g., biology, science education, chemistry), math, math education, or engineering

WDCE (Workforce Development and Continuing Education)

MATH045/050 (Foundations of Algebra Support/Foundations of Algebra)

MATH050 (Foundations of Algebra)

Majors that focus on business (e.g., accounting, finance, marketing, economics) or information systems

WDCE (Workforce Development and Continuing Education)

MATH045/050 (Foundations of Algebra Support/Foundations of Algebra)

Foundations of Algebra

Majors that focus on communications (including advertising), social sciences (e.g., psychology, sociology, criminology)

WDCE (Workforce Development and Continuing Education)

MATH 017/117 (Elements of Statistics Support/Elements of Statistics)

Elements of Statistics

Majors that focus on elementary and early childhood education

WDCE (Workforce Development and Continuing Education)

MATH030/130 (Elementary Math I Support/Elementary Math I)

MATH030/130 (Elementary Math I Support/Elementary Math I)

Majors that focus on the arts, humanities (e.g., history, philosophy, literature), or languages

WDCE (Workforce Development and Continuing Education)

MATH 017/117 (Elements of Statistics Support/Elements of Statistics)
MATH020/120 (Survey of College Mathematics Support/Survey of College Mathematics)

Elements of Statistics
Survey of College Mathematics


Score Range (46-60) Score Range (61-75) Score Range (76-100)

Majors that focus on the sciences (e.g., biology, science education, chemistry), math, math education, or engineering

MATH098 (Intro to Trigonometry)

MATH165 (Precalculus)

MATH181 (Calculus I)

Majors that focus on business (e.g., accounting, finance, marketing, economics) or information systems

MATH050 (Foundations of Algebra)

MATH150 (Elementary Applied Calculus I)

MATH150 (Elementary Applied Calculus I)

Majors that focus on communications (including advertising), social sciences (e.g., psychology, sociology, criminology)

MATH117 (Elements of Statistics)

MATH117 (Elements of Statistics)

MATH117 (Elements of Statistics)

Majors that focus on elementary and early childhood education

MATH130 (Elementary Math I)

MATH130 (Elementary Math I)

MATH130 (Elementary Math I)

Majors that focus on the arts, humanities (e.g., history, philosophy, literature), or languages

MATH117 (Elements of Statistics)
MATH120 (Survey of College Mathematics)

MATH117 (Elements of Statistics)
MATH120 (Survey of College Mathematics)

MATH117 (Elements of Statistics)
MATH120 (Survey of College Mathematics)


MC Chemistry Remote Placement

Chemistry department faculty members want to welcome you to Montgomery College!

In order to be ready to take CHEM131 at Montgomery College, you must read through the steps in this section.

Students without a high school diploma or GED and under the age of 18 years old by the first day of their initial entry term are considered Underage Students. Underage students are not eligible for standard admission into the College and may only register through dual enrollment. Please visit our卡塔尔世界杯赛程时间表webpage for more information.

Step One: Apply to the College

If you are still working on this step, please finish claiming your college account. Visit this webpage:Getting Started: How to Apply and Register.

This page will help you complete the following tasks:

  • Completing the admissions application
  • Obtaining an M# (Montgomery College student ID number)
  • Activating your account
Step Two:

Students are eligible to enroll in CHEM131 directly if they meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Assessment level of MATH117 (APPM) and completion of one of the following:
    • ALEKS CHEM131 Preparation module with 95% mastery
    • CHEM099 Introductory Chemistry (grade of C or higher)
  • Assessment level of MATH165 or higherandcompletion of AP Chemistry or Honors-level Chemistry (grade of C or higher in past 2 years)
  • Assessment level of MATH181 or higher **
  • Completion of MATH165 (grade of C or higher) **
  • Completion of Precalculus (grade of B or higher) or Calculus (grade of C or higher) in high school within past year **

** Students may want to consider thelow-cost ALEKS CHEM131 Preparation module(PDF,Get Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader.-Link opens in new window.)for a review of background chemistry knowledge prior to enrolling in CHEM131 Principles of Chemistry I.

How do I request a registration override for CHEM131?

Complete theChemistry Course Override request formnew window
send an email tochemistry@montgomerycollege.eduwith this information:

  1. Verification that you meet one or more of the CHEM131 eligibility criteria
  2. Your student M#
  3. Term in which you wish to register
Step Three:

Students withlimited or noprior high school chemistry course background (more than 2 years ago) and assessment of MATH117 (APPM) must complete one of the following options:

  1. ALEKS CHEM131 Preparation module – contactchemistry@montgomerycollege.edufor course code
  2. CHEM 031 Exploration (2 semester hours) + CHEM 131 Principles of Chemistry I (4 cr)
  3. CHEM 099 Introductory Chemistry (3 cr)

There are 3 options for students to prepare to start CHEM 131.Pick the option that’s best for you:

Option A:

**ALEKS CHEM 131 Preparation module– The ALEKS CHEM 131 Preparation Module is designed to provide you with the pre-requisite background knowledge necessary to be successful in CHEM 131. To get started,

ALEKS is a Web-based system that uses adaptive questioning to determine your knowledge level in chemistry and provide you with an individualized learning experience tailored to your specific strengths and weakness. Because it recognizes your prior knowledge, it allows you to spend time learning only the content you need to master while bypassing content you already know. This gives you the ability to take control of your learning and master the material at your own pace over an 11-week access period. The module must be completed to 95% to be ready for CHEM131.

Option B:

NEW! CHEM 031 Principles of Chemistry I Exploration– an academic support course (2 credits) designed to be taken concurrently with CHEM131 (4 credits) allowing students that need additional preparation to complete CHEM131 in a single semester. Check theonline course schedulefor available sections.

Option C:

CHEM 099 Introductory Chemistry– our traditional preparatory course offered either face-to-face or through distance learning (DL). This class (3 credits) provides the background chemistry content needed to be prepared to take CHEM131. Check theonline course schedulefor available sections.


For disability related accommodations, contactDisability Support Servicesbefore completing any tasks in this section.

Who do I contact for help?

Students should consult with an academic counselor, a Chemistry Department Chair or a faculty advisor:

Germantown Campus:thomas.chen@montgomerycollege.eduorRichard.Pires@montgomerycollege.eduTakoma Park

After you complete RP Part 3, continue to RP Part 4 below: