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Course Equivalencies

Course equivalencies tell you if and how credits transfer from one college or university to another.

Transferring FROM MC to Another School

If you're planning to transfer your credits earned at MC to another school, go to that school's website. Look for their transfer equivalencies, transfer evaluation system, or course equivalencies. Many schools have databases or systems you can use to determine how your credits will transfer.

You can also review ourtransfer agreements(and talk to a counselor or advisor) to make sure your credits will transfer.


ARTSYSnew windowis the articulation system for Maryland colleges and universities. It's intended to aid the transfer of students from Maryland community colleges to the University System of Maryland institutions and other participating institutions. It provides course equivalencies, transcript evaluations, program/major searches, and more.

Please work with a counselor/advisor when using ARTSYS.Do not use the red "general education" links, as they do not align with MC general education areas.

Transferring TO MC

你想把学分从其他学校转到蒙哥马利学院吗?世界杯摩洛哥vs克罗地亚欧赔View ourCourse Equivalency Spreadsheetnew windowto see how courses will transfer INTO Montgomery College. Select the school from which you earned the credits. Click on the arrow in the Institution cell and select a particular institution to view its equivalencies. Learn more abouttransferring to MC.