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Science Learning Center

Germantown Campus
Summer 2022: To continue to provide safe and accessible support, the Learning Centers will offer both virtual and in-person tutoring and support services. Check each center's site for hours and availability. Emailthe Learning Centersfor assistance. We look forward to working with you.

TheVirtual STEM Learning Centernew windowis open:

  • Monday through Thursday:上午9点至下午7点
  • Friday and Saturday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Science Learning Center On-Campus Hours (BE 244):

  • Monday: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
  • Tuesday through Thursday: 11 a.m. - 7 p.m.
  • Friday: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
  • Saturday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Please visitmcstemlc.mywconline.comnew window报名参加虚拟STEM学习中心的虚拟辅导。

All support is via monitored email atlearningcenters@montgomerycollege.edunew window(not by phone).

The Science Learning Center is a student-centered learning environment dedicated to supporting you in your science coursework by offering quality tutoring and educational resources, incorporating technology into learning, and fostering a friendly and informal learning environment.

你必须有MC ID才能使用科学学习中心。

For tutoring schedules, news, and study materials, go to theScience Learning Center's wiki sitenew window.

Location:Bioscience Education (BE) Building, Room 244 (campus map and directions)

Please note: We support all sciences except physics and engineering, which are supported through theMAPEL Center(HT 229).

The following materials are available for you to use as you study in the Science Learning Center:

  • Calculators
  • Reference Books (e.g., CRC Handbook, Short Protocols)
  • Textbooks
  • Study guide material for biology and chemistry
  • Pictures with labels of anatomy models for BIOL212 and BIOL213
  • Microscopes and Slides
  • Anatomy models

Services weDO NOTprovide include:

  • Emergency cram sessions. Students who are prepared will take priority over students who have not, when it comes to tutoring.
  • Giving you the answers or checking your work
  • Tutoring you on take-home quizzes, CHEM131 & 132 post-lab questions, or other graded materials unless authorized by your professor
  • Giving you "wet" lab materials for biology

There are 54 computers with Microsoft Office, internet access, and scientific software for you to use. Science software includes:

There are also DVDs for Chemistry which you can watch at the Science Learning Center.

  • We’re student-centered and flexible. That means that you can get help customized to your needs to the best of our abilities and resources available.
  • 我们希望你在学习上受到挑战,但要知道你正处于一个积极的位置。如果你觉得自己在努力工作,这是一个好迹象,因为这意味着你可能在学习。学习通常不容易,但却很值得。
  • We’re informal and friendly. You can be yourself and relax knowing that you’re among peers and people who care about you and your academic success.
  • We’re dedicated to supporting you in your science coursework by offering learning assistance via tutors and educational resources, incorporating technology into learning, and fostering a positive learning environment.
  • We want you to learn the material well enough to pass your exams. This means that our tutors will work to make you more independent. They won’t check your work for you or do your work for you. They will support your efforts and offer suggestions for improving study skills and/or clarification of course content.
  • 我们知道人们用不同的方式学习得最好。我们有很多资源,从科学软件、教科书到导师和在线学习辅助工具,所以如果一种方法不起作用,就尝试另一种方法。我们将与您合作,找出我们提供的最适合您的服务。

Quality tutoring matters. That's why the SLC tutor training program meets the standards for the national tutor training program certification offered by the College Reading and Learning Association. Tutors are in various stages of completion of the training program.


When you work with a tutor, you are still responsible for your learning and work. That means that tutors are not able to check you work for you, except as needed to ensure that what they've asked you to try you have tried successfully. They also can't replace your professors or the material that you are assigned in your lecture or lab class.

Tutors are available on a walk-in basis. No appointment is necessary. There is no set limit to the amount of time you can get help, however, the amount of help you can get depends on how many other people are also in need of that tutor's help. Tutors rotate around the room helping students, so the way to make the most of your time is to take one of the following approaches:

  • Approach #1: Come to the SLC and study. When you get stuck, ask a tutor for help. Repeat as often as needed. The benefit to this strategy is that you can study other material during any wait time and that the tutor is right in the room when you need help.
  • Approach #2: After you have studied, come to the SLC with a list of specific questions and work with a tutor to get clarification on these questions.

A note about specific questions: A specific question would be something like, "I'm unclear about how to tell the difference between anaphase 1 and anaphase 2 in meiosis." A specific question is NOT something like, "I don't understand anything in Chapter 2. Can you tell me what is important?" If you're feeling lost with a chapter or large section of material, trythis study approachnew window在去见导师之前。你会充分利用和导师在一起的时间,并且有更多的机会好好学习材料以通过考试。如果你在这个学习过程中陷入困境,来找导师,我们会帮助你摆脱困境。

  • Follow the “House Rules” posted in the SLC and any directions given by staff related to center operation.
  • Print responsibly according to the Guidelines posted in the SLC.
  • Take responsibility for your learning and work. Learn definitions of terms and concepts, memorize reactions, work through example problems in the textbook, do your homework, check your answers with a solution manual or classmate. Ask for help when you get stuck.
    • Prepare before you work with a tutor.
    • Practice after you work with a tutor.
    • Try.
    • Don’t be afraid to make a mistake.
  • Remember that people learn best in different ways, so if something doesn’t work well for you, try something else.
  • Explore. Learning is an adventure. Explore the subject you’re learning. Explore the Science Learning Center and the information available through our website

Meet Our Staff

Dr. David Bergtold - Director of the Science Learning Center and MAPEL Center

Guit Aghazadeh - Master Tutor

Perry Juan Peebles- Instructional Associate

Dilrukshi Jayasekera (Dilki) - Instructional Associate