




巴尔的摩乌鸦队的四分卫,拉马尔杰克逊,2019年9月8日发布了职业生涯最高的第一周对阵迈阿密海豚。他扔了五山脉和324码,完成17/23。比赛结束后他被一位记者问关于他的表现和他宣称,“不错的跑了回来。”The importance of Jackson’s rather simple statement is that it represents a slight to his doubters and naysayers who, dating back to his college days at Louisville, suggested that he could not succeed as a quarterback at the NFL level. NFL scouting experts, analysts and coaches told him throughout the draft process that he should switch positions – either to running back or wide receiver. “Not bad for a running back” is a climactic moment from an individual who has been at the forefront of unfair critique for several years. This critique of Lamar Jackson, who is African American, has much to do with a racial ideology in sports that deems African American football players less suited for the quarterback position. Racial ideology leads to race stacking which is when athletes are told to play another position, usually based on race-based stereotypes about athleticism, intellect and other attributes. A prime example of this is black football players being relegated to positions other than quarterback, like wide receiver and running back, as was the case with Lamar Jackson. During his transition from college to the NFL, large numbers of people questioned his ability to read defenses, make pre-snap adjustments and recognize coverages while under center. However, he was among the league leaders in passing touchdowns, QBR, passer rating, and completion percentage, all while rushing for more yards and touchdowns than any other quarterback. Lamar Jackson was named the 2019 NFL MVP.
