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Arts, Business, Education, English, and Social Sciences

Academic Unit
Eric Benjamin
Eric Benjamin, Interim Vice President/Provost of the Collegewide ABEESS Unit and the Rockville Campus

Welcome to the Collegewide Arts, Business, Education, English, and Social Sciences (ABEESS) Unit at Montgomery College, covering the instructional areas of Visual and Performing Arts; Business, Economics, Accounting, Computer Applications, Hospitality Management, and Paralegal Studies (BEACAHMPS); English and Reading; and Education and Social Sciences.

We are dedicated to making difference in the lives of our students. Our initiatives are intended to help our students by ensuring they have an exceptional educational experience while attaining a credential or a degree more easily and with less expense. We are also committed to enhancing the lives of our community members through multiple educational pathways that serve the needs of all individuals.

Whether students are attaining credentials for a first career or a third career, Montgomery College and the ABEESS unit offer something for everyone.

Program Areas

Hospitality student holding serving tray
Business, Economics, Accounting, Computer Applications, Hospitality Management, and Paralegal Studies
Find programs, courses, and academic departments for this instructional area.
Students walking on campus
Education and Social Sciences
Find programs, courses, and academic departments for education, anthropology, criminal justice, psychology, and sociology.
English and Reading
English and Reading
Find programs, courses, and academic departments for English, reading, and writing.
Dancers in dance class
Visual, Performing, and Media Arts
Find programs, courses, and academic departments for art, music, dance, theatre, photography, film, graphic design, web design, animation and gaming, and television and radio.

Special Programs

Who We Are

Academic Unit Leadership Team and Office Staff
Vice President & Provost
Office Staff

Deans and Department Chairs
  • Business, Economics, Accounting, Computer Applications, Hospitality Management, and Paralegal Studies (BEACAHMPS), Alton Henley, Collegewide Dean
    • Maurice Shihadi, Chair, GT/TPSS, Business, Economics, Accounting, Computer Applications, and Paralegal Studies (BEACAPS)
    • Hoa Nguyen, Chair, RV, Business, Economics, Computer Applications, and Hospitality Management (BECAHM)
  • Education and Social Sciences, Eric Benjamin, Collegewide Dean
    • Shinta Hernandez, Chair, Rockville Department of Anthropology, Criminal Justice, and Sociology; Takoma Park/Silver Spring Department of Anthropology, Criminal Justice, and Sociology
    • Tracey Smith-Bryant, Chair, Rockville Department of Education and Psychology; Takoma Park/Silver Spring Department of Education and Psychology
    • Andrew Hurst, Chair, Germantown Campus Department of Education and Social Sciences
  • English and Reading, Elizabeth Benton, Collegewide Dean
    • Teri Hurst, Chair, Rockville Campus Department of English and Reading
    • Charmaine Weston, Chair, Takoma Park/Silver Spring Department of English and Reading
    • Sharon Anthony, Chair, Germantown Campus Department of English and Reading
  • Visual, Performing, and Media Arts, Frank Trezza, Collegewide Dean
    • Tendai Johnson, Chair, Germantown Art Department
    • Tendai Johnson, Chair, Rockville Art Department
    • Erik Swanson, Chair, Rockville Media Arts and Technologies
    • Alvin Trask, Chair, Rockville Performing Arts Department
    • Norberto Gomez, Chair, Takoma Park/Silver Spring Visual and Performing Arts Department